York University
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Sunghwan (Jacob) Yoo

Sunghwan Yoo received the B.S. degree in Astrophysics and Statistics from University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, in 2018, and currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in Department of Earth and Space Science and Engineering, York University, Toronto, ON, Canada. His research interests include computer vision, 3D point clouds semantic segmentation, and diffusion models.


Human vision based 3d point cloud semantic segmentation of large-scale outdoor scenes

CVPR Workshop2023

Fusion-SUNet: Spatial Layout Consistency for 3D Semantic Segmentation

CVPR workshop2023

Yuto Semantic: a Large Scale Aerial LIDAR Dataset for Semantic Segmentation

ISPRS Geospatial Week2023

Sunghwan (Jacob) Yoo
PhD Student
Research Focus
  • Point Cloud
  • Segmentation
  • Object Detection
  • Diffusion Models
Published 3 research papers